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Safety Guidelines

Keeping you and your guests safe is everyone's top priority

Updated over 12 months ago

Ensuring the safety of our partners and guests is essential. Please make sure all your chauffeurs are familiar with the following recommendations.

Safety first! Chauffeurs should always:

  • Stay healthy, rested, and vigilant. Respect all mandatory breaks and ensure schedules allow for enough rest.

  • Check vehicle condition before each ride: brakes, lights, turn signals, seatbelts, tires, windows, and mirrors. Follow the mandatory vehicle maintenance procedures.

  • Consider any warnings (weather, strikes, terror threats, etc.) that may disrupt traffic or present risk.

  • Allow enough buffer time in your planning to cope with the unexpected, don’t rush.

  • Keep your documents (eg. driver’s license, chauffeur license, health insurance card) and the vehicle documents (eg. vehicle registration, vehicle liability insurance, vehicle maintenance records) with you.

  • Observe all speed limits and ensure compliance with local road traffic regulations.

  • Make sure that you and all guests are using seat belts.

  • Carry basic emergency equipment: first aid kit, emergency vest and triangles, spare tire, snow chains in winter, etc.

Don’t take risks! Chauffeurs should:

  • Always drive safely. There is no situation so urgent that it’s worth putting you and your guests’ safety at risk.

  • Never consume any alcohol or drugs before or during the ride. Doing so is cause for immediate termination of the partnership.

  • Always transport babies or young children in the regulatory seats. If the guest did not request a baby seat upon booking, call us and let us know the local regulations, and we will help you find a solution.

  • Avoid transporting excess luggage in the passenger compartment. If the guest brings more luggage than allowed for their booking, please contact us and we will help you find a solution.

  • Only use your mobile phone while parked or in hands-free mode (unless it is not permitted by local regulations).

If a service cannot be provided safely, please contact the partner care team any time, day or night so we can find a solution. You can reach us via the “Call Blacklane” button in the app, or by calling our local phone number in your city of operation.

Feel free to download a copy of the safety guidelines leaflet below for reference.

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